CodeMark® Certification

Our T2 Blue, T2 Red and T3 Green treatments have achieved CodeMark® certification and are therefore fit-for-purpose and absolutely NCC compliant.

CodeMark® provides confidence and certainty to regulatory authorities and the market through the issue of a Certificate of Conformity, as evidence to demonstrate that a building product complies with NCC Volumes One and Two - the National Construction Code (NCC).

Certification Scheme

The CodeMark® Certification Scheme (CodeMark®) is a voluntary building product certification scheme that supports the use of new or innovative products.

The Scheme operates in both Australia and New Zealand and was jointly developed by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) and the New Zealand Department of Building and Housing (now part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment).

How it Works

The ABCB and New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment manage the CodeMark® schemes in their respective countries. This includes the development of scheme rules that set out the requirements for the evaluation and certification of products under the CodeMark® scheme. Only accredited certification bodies can issue CodeMark® Certificates of Conformity. These companies are responsible for evaluating products and issuing certificates where they comply with the NCC.

Certification bodies are assessed and accredited by JAS-ANZ, who works on behalf of the CodeMark® scheme operators to maintain product certification standards. Relevant legislation requires building control authorities to accept CodeMark® Certificates of Conformity as evidence of compliance with the NCC, as long as the product is used as specified on the certificate.

Certified Products

We're proud to announce that our T2 Blue, T2 Red and T3 Green treatments have achieved CodeMark® certification and are therefore fit-for-purpose and absolutely NCC compliant.

Frequently Asked Questions?

  1. Do timber product treatments need to conform to the Australian Standards? No. The Australian Standards are only one pathway to NCC compliance. CodeMark® Australia is another and equally accepted.
  2. Will the Australian Standards treatment reference remain stamped on our products? Yes, where the Australian Standards are still relevant (T2 Red and T3 Green). No, where treatment innovations have been CodeMark® certified (T2 Blue and T3 Green), or for new product treatments where no relevant Australian Standard exists.
  3. Will certifiers and authorities’ question CodeMark® Australia? No. Many building products use CodeMark® certification, so no onsite issues are expected.
  4. Do other timber products use CodeMark® certification? Very few treated timber products are innovative, or third party audited, hence very few are CodeMark® certified.
  5. If almost no other timber products are CodeMark® certified, then why bother? We audit many aspects of our business to ensure compliance and best practice. Yet the Australian Standards require no auditing of product treatments. We view CodeMark® Australia as an opportunity to provide our customers with an additional level of assurance regarding the treatment quality and consistency of our solid wood framing products.

Discover more about our Quality Assurance: 'S' Mark Certification

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T2 Blue

Guaranteed to resist termite attack.

T2 Red

Peace-of-mind from the big termites up North.

T3 Green

Superior protection for use outdoors.

Australian Grown & Made

Designed to perform in the Aussie Climate

Australian Grown & Made

Designed to perform in the Aussie Climate

Advantages of Timber

Undeniable reasons to build with timber

140 years of Hyne

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Historic Hyne Timber mill photo Maryborough

Australian Grown & Made

Designed to perform in the Aussie Climate

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