Hyne Community Trust Grants Opening Soon

Tumbarumba community groups are being urged to consider their projects for potential grant support ahead of the 2023 Hyne Community Trust opening for applications in June.
Chris Blake, Katie Fowden, Alison and Michael Pearce at Tumbarumba Gold Club
Chris Blake, Katie Fowden, Alison and Michael Pearce at Tumbarumba Gold Club
Chris Blake, Katie Fowden, Alison and Michael Pearce at Tumbarumba Gold Club

The Hyne Community Trust has been proudly supporting community organisations to deliver lasting benefits to the Tumbarumba region since 2007.

As part of ongoing assessment of lasting benefits, Trust Director, Katie Fowden met with the Tumbarumba Golf Club who have received two grants in recent years to replace the club house roof and install solar panels respectively.

“To see the Tumbarumba Golf Club going from strength to strength on the back of a Hyne Community Trust grant is exactly what these grants are intended to achieve for the community.

“A new roof to replace a leaking one, engineered to hold and install solar panels are delivering additional use of space previously unusable, economic savings for reinvestment for the club while reducing the club’s carbon footprint.” Ms Fowden said.

Long standing members and players of the club, Michael and Alison Pearce said it is great to see the club increasingly being used as a community hub,

“From Bingo to crochet, footy tipping, charity fundraisers and open mic nights attracting over 200 attendees, more and more community groups value this space.

“It is largely run by volunteers who know the great potential this space and location has to offer.

“With sweeping views, plenty of parking and upgraded amenities, we keep chipping away with money saved in energy bills and more income from users further delivering a new carpet, video conferencing technology and preliminary plans for a new verandah.

“The club has also embarked on having the surrounds used as an overflow caravan site during Tumbafest and other event times, accommodating more visitors for our town, supporting the local economy.

“My wife and I have been enjoying everything this golf club has to offer for over 20 years and are passionate about volunteering our time to keep making further improvements for non-golfers to also enjoy the space.” Mr Pearce said.

Renovated Golf Club training room in use.
Renovated Golf Club training room in use

One room within the Golf Club suffered repeated damage because of the leaking roof prior to the Hyne Community Trust providing the funds to replace it. Since this time, the room has become a functional training room and integral part of delivering the NSW Government ‘Resilient Towns Initiative.

Free community training courses include ‘White Card’, First Aid courses, Responsible Control Gambling, and Responsible Service of Alcohol, which Community projects Officer, Chris Blake says add significant capability to the community.

“These free courses run at this newly renovated training room means local teachers can access free first aid training here in town instead of travelling to Wagga. Even local supermarkets support their teams to attend. Free RSA training means we have more qualified event volunteers which bring tourists to the town such as the annual Tumbafest and keep our events safely run for all to enjoy.

“The Hyne Community Trust grants were an enabler for the club. It is a ‘hand up’, not a handout as we are committed to ensuring lasting benefits are delivered for the broader betterment of Tumbarumba.” Mr Blake said.

The Hyne Community Trust was established in 2007 and has provided almost $600,000 to the Tumbarumba community to date.

Community groups considering applying for a Hyne Community Trust grant this month must review the guidelines available here and consider how their application will provide long lasting benefits to the community.

Projects must be valued over $10,000 in order to meet the criteria. The 2023 round of grants closes to applications at the end of June and successfully applicants will be notified in July 2023.

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