Appearance Grade A
This Grade is intended for use in applications where appearance of the member is important and clear or paint finishes are used. All surface voids are filled or repaired. Unless it is specified otherwise, the surface shall be sanded to a minimum 60 grit finish.

The following voids shall be repaired with inserts and not filled:
- Holes (circular in general appearance) with a diameter more than 30mm
- Holes (elongated in general appearance) with dimensions exceeding 40 x 20mm
- Edge checks (elongated) from 40-100mm, exceeding 3mm wide
NOTE: Fillers used should be non-shrinking and capable of accepting the finish specified for members.
Hyne Timber Beam 15 and Beam 21 glue laminated products are available in Appearance Grade A finish.

Appearance Grade B
This grade is intended for use in painted applications where surface appearance is important, but a machine planed finish is acceptable. The machining shall confirm to No. 2 dressed surface grade as defined in AS 2796.

Occasional skips in the surface are permissible and minor blemishes, voids and manufacturing want shall be acceptable. The outer-most laminates shall be free of loose knots and voids.
Hyne Timber Beam 15 and Beam 21 glue laminated products are available in Appearance Grade B finish.
Appearance Grade C
This grade is intended for use in applications where appearance is not important. All blemishes and voids are acceptable. Where the member is not machined after lay-up, the allowable tolerances for overlap of lamination shall be detailed in Figure 2.1 and Table 2.4.

Hyne Timber LGL glue laminated products are available in Appearance Grade C finish.
AS/NZS 1328.1: 1998 - 2.7 Finishing, including Figure 2.1 and Table 2.4 is downloadable from the link below.