The design and construction of the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services North Coast Region Headquarters and Maryborough Fire and Rescue Station is a story of innovation, collaboration, restoration, and carbon sequestration.
Hyne Timber’s Strategic Relations Manager, Katie Fowden said the whole project started as an idea at an innovation forum held in Maryborough.
“From a light-bulb moment inspired by innovative discussion, through to the opening of the completed building, this has been an extraordinary journey, bringing together many people who knew this would deliver a great outcome for our front-line responders,” Ms Fowden said.

Entering the Queensland Government’s Market Led Proposal process, Hyne Timber brought together partners including XLam, Hutchinson Builders, Baber Studio, the University of Queensland’s Centre for Future Timber Structures and Bligh Tanner.
“Together, we progressed through stages until we were officially working with the client, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services to ensure we were designing and delivering a contemporary, state-of-the-art and fit for purpose, mass timber hybrid solution. Attending the official opening was a proud moment for us all and I can’t thank all the partners enough for sharing this journey with us.”
The design included the restoration of the original brick façade which is considered of heritage value to the Fraser Coast community while specifying materials to ensure the right use of the best material, prioritising XLam’s Cross Laminated Timber and Hyne Timber’s locally sourced and manufactured Glue Laminated Timber beams for the new structure.

XLam’s Business Development Manager, Robert Mansell said the new building delivers many benefits.
“The mass engineered structure of this new building delivers excellent fire performance qualities, carbon sequestration, aesthetic appeal and prefabrication for faster construction. In addition to these benefits there will be long term biophilic benefits for the people that will use this fantastic new complex. All the materials from walls, floors, ceilings, stairs and even the tower were delivered on trucks in the correct order that it comes off for immediate construction, minimising the need for set down space, and as the community witnessed, very fast construction.”
The new Queensland Fire and Emergency Services North Coast Region Headquarters constructed mainly with timber is a first for Queensland and Australia and hopefully inspires Government and Design Professionals to consider future mass timber projects.

Principal Architect, Kim Baber was recently recognised for his specification and promotion of certified timber in this project, being announced the winner of the National Richard Stanton Award for Excellence in Sustainable Forest Management 2022. The award is facilitated by Responsible Wood, Australia’s sustainable forest management and chain of custody certification scheme and is the official Australian Standard. Responsible Wood’s CEO, Simon Dorries attended the Fire Station opening to personally present Mr Baber with his timber Richard Stanton award trophy and $2000 bursary prize.