The platform and track will host a railway guards van, meticulouslyrestored as a museum piece from the original which ran on the Tumbarumba branchline at its closure in 1974.
Hyne Community Trust Director, Bernadette Alleyn said thisproject was a real testament to the spirit of the Tumbarumba community,
“In addition to the Historical Society, this project engagesboth the Mens Shed and the Rail Trail Committee who are all working closely tobring this project to fruition.
“The train carriage itself, is already drawing muchattention at its current location where it is being meticulously restored by ateam of approximately 25 volunteers at the Men’s Shed led by Ron Sommer.
“It was destined to be sold but with the support of the HyneCommunity Trust, we will be displaying this beautiful piece of history at thestart of the ever-popular rail trail where it will also be a museum. Peoplewill be able to learn about the history of the carriage, the original rail lineand also a display of images which showcase the resilience of the townfollowing the devastating bushfires.” Mrs Alleyn said.

The carriage is known as a ‘guards’ van’ which were locatedat the end of the train. It included a bathroom, seating area and kitchen forthe replacement crew plus a pair of periscopes so the guard could view alongthe top of the train and see signals.
There is further restoration work to complete before theplatform work commences and the train can be moved into its forever home forthe community to enjoy around May 2024.

The Hyne Community Trust was established in 2007 and hasprovided over $700,000 to the Tumbarumba region to date, focusing oninitiatives which provide lasting benefits to the community.
The Hyne Community trust is now closed for applications andwill open again in June 2024. For more information on the Trust, visit